Monday, July 7, 2014
All Hail The Queen...F.A.I.L.
Hi Lovies! I'm back. I won't bore you with excuses reasons as to why I've been gone for so long, so let's just cut straight to the PICTURES, shall we?
In the event you've forgotten what I look like (it's been a minute), this is me:
This is what I wanted (ALL HAIL THE QUEEN):
Ok, the hair was a FAIL....it was more "inspired by" Queen Latifah than a duplicate style. While blonde may look good on her, my skin tone is too dark to rock such a light color w/o looking...shall we say "ghettagenous"? Anyway, I've got some B.I.G. N.E.W.S. coming up in a few and that's why I've been gone. I won't go deep into that now, but I PROMISE I will blog about it as I get closer to the event. Please stay w/ me as this is the MOST EXCITING and LIFE CHANGING thing that has happened to me in....ever. As in...EVER.
So let me know what you ladies think of my new 'do and if you too are doing anything differently for the summer. Peace!

Saturday, February 22, 2014
DRED-DING Taking Them Out....
Hey Laaaadddies!!! (old skool Beastie Boys reference) I know it's been awhile, but I just wanted to quickly show you the hairstyle that I've been rocking for the past month or so....the FAUX DREDLOCKS.
I got it done at a shop in our downtown area, and it took the stylist TWO (2) FULL DAYS AND NIGHTS to complete it! And it took ME half a day taking a large portion of them out, as it was ridiculously full! But it wasn't her fault - my hair is ridiculously thick and my head is ridiculously big! HA!
What say you - is this style a YAY or NAY???
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
G.R.O.W.T.H.......Let Us SHOW And PROVE.
Yes I know - I'm mad late. January is almost over so we can go ahead and scratch "Overcome Tardiness" off my list of 2014 goals....Anyway, my theme for 2014 is: GROWTH. Enough said.
*** How is YOUR 2014 going thus far?
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