Wednesday, December 25, 2013
And To You And YOURS Indeed...I'm SO Done.
A great woman(albeit a fictional one)once said "We're so over we need a new word for over". You hit the nail on the head with that one, Ms. Bradshaw. Sometimes, a man knows he loves a woman only after she's gone. But when does the woman want to know said man loves her? When she's there. And then sometimes, the love is just not reciprocal on his part no matter how good of a woman she is...and that is when you put on your big girl panties and exit.stage.left. DO NOT CONTINUE TO THROW YOUR PEARLS TO SWINE. Leave him to wallow in the mire with his other ho(g).
Sunday, December 22, 2013
I'm back with a new 'do and "product" review. I told you last post that I'd be changing my hair soon, and this time it's a(nother) wig. This wig is from the company FRIDAY NIGHT HAIR, which is known for their high-quality synthetic wigs.
The style I got is numbered GLS11, which is about mid-back length and has long layers in the front. While a basic style, I got this one solely due to the "99J" color, which is a purplish-reddish, deep wine color. You like?
The long and short of this wig is, I like the style, LOVE the color, but the wig as a whole is a FAIL! I'm not sure whether mine came from a bad batch or not, but the synthetic fibers rub against my clothing and tangle like the cheapest of beauty supply store wigs. Considering that FRIDAY NIGHT HAIR's synthetic wigs are supposed to be of superior quality and can last about a year with proper care, I have trouble understanding why I'm having problems with this wig after only one week......
Anyway, the wig was $49.99 with free shipping (due to holidays), which is still considerably less than what I would pay someone to blow my own hair out. And while I will chalk it up to I think I just got one from a bad batch, I still consider it a FAIL. For me, if I have to do a whole bunch of work to a wig to make it wearable daily, that defeats the PURPOSE of even wearing one. My own hair is long - it just takes a lot of work. I certainly don't need A WIG that mimicks it's high maintenance.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself...'s me, Chicki Tee. The UN-blogger. smh. I know, I haven't blogged in quite a long time, but I have had a lot of things going on. For one, we've been crazy busy at my job, and secondly, I got a "side gig" as a...wait for it...FREELANCE MAKEUP ARTIST! Or MUA, for those who like to stay on trend. So far, I've only done 2 weddings, but I have a larger job coming up that I - STAY TUNED FOR THAT!!!!
Ok, really I wanted to talk about my hair. I've told you guys how I'm super low maintenance (read LAZY) when it comes to hairstyles, right? Well, in the past few months I've just been wearing my hair in braids that I did myself (uh-oh!), rather sloppily, if I'm being honest.
However, I just took out the braids and I was amazed at how long my hair has grown. I hadn't been doing anything in particular to it, except using my Tropic Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil (little bottle of awesomeness-luv it!), but everytime I braid it up and just leave my hair alone, it grows like a weed.
I think I will eventually blow it out & flat iron it, as I haven't straightened my hair in a good 2+ years so I can't wait to see the actual length. But for now, I will just put it back in a bun and throw on a hat. I got a.n.o.t.h.e.r. hairdo coming down the pipe. STAY TUNED FOR THAT!

Thursday, July 11, 2013
It's a BIRD. It's a PLANE. It's a.....PRODUCT REVIEW!!!!!!!!
Of sorts. Well, not an actual "product", per se, but I am doing a review. A wig review! Yes, I said WIG, as in false hair. Lol. Let me start by saying that while I obviously have a head full of my own hair, I do like to switch things up for the summer, so I was super excited when I stumbled across this wig online. And while I would definitely not call myself a Rihanna fan, I am loving that shaved-on-one-side-longer-on-the-other-side cut that she & so many other celebrities are rocking. I was hyped when I came across this similarly styled wig option. You mean I can look like Rihanna w/o butchering my own hair? Count me in....mama likey!
Enter the "RIHANNA ROCK" wig by Isis.
I paid $25 for this wig, not including shipping, from It arrived in a little under 7 days, and I fell in love the moment I took it out of the box!
Side View:
Sadly, I don't look like the model in the picture, so this is how I wore it:

Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the back or the shorn side, which is a shame as that is what really what makes this wig, but I couldn't get the camera angle right. I may try again later. The "shaved" side is not actually shaved, of course, but is rather like a cute pixie, layered cut. Sooo cute. Also, I have a larger head (hey THANKS for not noticing!) and this wig is still very comfortable. The hair itself is very soft, and the curls are not stiff. I've gotten a ton of compliments thus far! I mean a love this wig so much that I'm buying another one on payday. Always good to have a backup, right?
I give this wig 4 out of 4 stars. I would definitely recommend.
What say you? YAY or NAY?????
Of sorts. Well, not an actual "product", per se, but I am doing a review. A wig review! Yes, I said WIG, as in false hair. Lol. Let me start by saying that while I obviously have a head full of my own hair, I do like to switch things up for the summer, so I was super excited when I stumbled across this wig online. And while I would definitely not call myself a Rihanna fan, I am loving that shaved-on-one-side-longer-on-the-other-side cut that she & so many other celebrities are rocking. I was hyped when I came across this similarly styled wig option. You mean I can look like Rihanna w/o butchering my own hair? Count me in....mama likey!
Enter the "RIHANNA ROCK" wig by Isis.
Side View:

Sadly, I don't look like the model in the picture, so this is how I wore it:

Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the back or the shorn side, which is a shame as that is what really what makes this wig, but I couldn't get the camera angle right. I may try again later. The "shaved" side is not actually shaved, of course, but is rather like a cute pixie, layered cut. Sooo cute. Also, I have a larger head (hey THANKS for not noticing!) and this wig is still very comfortable. The hair itself is very soft, and the curls are not stiff. I've gotten a ton of compliments thus far! I mean a love this wig so much that I'm buying another one on payday. Always good to have a backup, right?
I give this wig 4 out of 4 stars. I would definitely recommend.
What say you? YAY or NAY?????
Friday, July 5, 2013
I Got All My Sisters With Me...
Is it JULY already??? Geez, where has the time gone? Seems like I haven't blogged in forever, right? This daggone job, I tell you. Extremely grateful to be employed in this poor economy, but I could definitely do with a little more moola (read ALOT) in my paycheck if they're going to work me this hard. Like a slave, I tell you. Like a slave.
Anyway, how are you guys doing? Hopefully, whoever was reading my blog has not abandoned me due to thinking I myself had abandoned ship. Nope, again just busy. I finally had a chance to slow down and get some rest yesterday, due to the 4th of July holiday. Did everyone (who had yesterday off) enjoy their time off from work? Hopefully none of you came away with any "fireworks-related" injuries... In true Chicki Tee fashion, I spent my day off chilling with my family, specifically the sister and sister-in-law, who is in town. A couple of errands here, a Whole Foods run there....nothing major.

Anyway, I do actually have a fewminiscule tiny updates to tell, but we'll get to that later. Until then...ciao!
Anyway, how are you guys doing? Hopefully, whoever was reading my blog has not abandoned me due to thinking I myself had abandoned ship. Nope, again just busy. I finally had a chance to slow down and get some rest yesterday, due to the 4th of July holiday. Did everyone (who had yesterday off) enjoy their time off from work? Hopefully none of you came away with any "fireworks-related" injuries... In true Chicki Tee fashion, I spent my day off chilling with my family, specifically the sister and sister-in-law, who is in town. A couple of errands here, a Whole Foods run there....nothing major.

Anyway, I do actually have a few
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Days 7 - 20
** We Interrupt this normally scheduled program......"
OMG, where did Days 7 - 20 go??? Look like someone's been slacking on her game....
Ok, what HAD HAPPENED WAS I had a couple of issues going on at the same time. Job issues, which I would truly love to explain to ya'll so I could get some advice but you the streets is always watching, mane! So anyway, let's just do a quick summation of Days 7 - 20:
DAY 7: What is your view of Cheating People? While not all cheaters are lying scumbags, they are all liars. And cowards. I understand people grow apart, but if the issues cannot be resolved, just end it properly. Don't cheat. That is betrayal wosre than a departure from someone's life.
DAY 8: Something You're Currently Worrying About Let's see, where to start...if I had to narrow down the top 2 issues causing angst, I would say money and mo' money!!!
DAY 9: Your Last Kiss Hmm,....I'll fill you in on my next kiss - how 'bout that?
DAY 10: Your Views On Drugs and Alcohol Just say NO. Wait, to drugs I mean. Now To quote "Sir K. Lamar":
"Now I done been around some people living their lives in bottles
Grandaddy had the golden flask...."
Like many, I have a few alcoholics in my family. Wanted better for them but loved them nonetheless. Personally, I have a low tolerance for alcohol (true story: I once had a White Russian and slept for 18 hrs! No lie!!!) so when I do drink, it's moderately and my drink of choice is rum & coke.
DAY 11: Your Current Relationship, If Single, How is Single Life? I am single. Single life is looking better and better - I wasted time pining after someone I should not have, all the while bypassing other interested parties. I SHAN'T MAKE THAT MISTAKE HENCEFORTH and already rectifying the error.....
DAY 12: Things You Would Want to Say to An Ex "I hold no malice towards you. You taught me alot about myself. I thank you for all that you taught me. I am not only a better person because of it, but a better woman, for sure. I accept my role in this, as I put myself in this position. I saw something I wanted to see, but was not there. But I have to say what bothered me most is that I willingly accepted all of your craziness and flaws, and yet you tolerated none of mine. I supported all of your endeavors, and played the part of your hype-woman on many occasions. Yet, you made no such efforts towards me. You laughed when I tried to share my ideas and dreams with you, and called them (and me) stupid on more than on occasion. You refused to ever read my blog, even when I advised you of posts pertaining to you. When I had business cards made up for my blog and I excitedly offered you one, you coldly rejected it and said you would "tear it up if you accepted it." I did not deserve any of that, not even as a friend. I indeed was a better friend to you than you were to me. And I loved you from my heart. But I accept 100% of the responsibility because you offered me no illusions, yet I again saw something that was not there. I put myself in that position. You are indeed a liar, yet you have told me the truth and shown me the truth, about who you are as well as who I am. And that is priceless. I hold no malice towards you whatsoever. I am not the victim and I won't speak poorly of you. After this, I won't speak of you again. I am a person who likes to learn, and I have indeed learned from this and will continue to do so. Because of you, I have grown in the way that only experience can teach you. And now I can soar. From the bottom of my heart I thank you, Sounder Rasmussen. Two times. ;-)
DAY 14: Something Disgusting You Do I've developed the bad habit, through no fault of my own, of sucking my teeth. I was taking a medication that listed that as an "uncommon" side effect, and lo and behold - I started sucking my teeth! That was 6 months ago, the medication has long been abandoned, and yet I can't stop....that sucks! No pun intended.
DAY 15: The Best Thing To Happen To You This Week Scales fell of my eyes and I woke up. (see Day 12) Coincidentally, this was also the worst thing (see Day 12).
DAY 16: 3 Things You Are Proud Of About Your Personality 1.) I'm not a follower and I mostly don't care what people think of me, though I was raised to do so....2.) I am kind-hearted and compassionate (which often works to my detriment, actually) ...3.) I have worked hard to overcome childhood trust issues. I offer trust freely now...until I have a reason to no longer.
DAY 17: Things That Make You Scared Large Dogs, losing my family/friends, not learning from mistakes and repeating them
DAYS 18 - 20: Freestyle Summing up to say it would seem I'm failing on the 30 Days of Blogging Challenge, would it not? smh. Oddly enough, I am loving these challenges and I am KILLING IT in the 30 Days No Fast Food and 30 Days No Soda challenges. I have not cheated once and I will be eliminating soda and fast food altogether from my diet. The 30 Days Saving $ challenge has proven to be far more difficult, but I am trucking along. I already save $, but the goal of that challenge is to save a larger amount by month's end. And due to my less-than-stellar medical insurance (you suck, Aetna!), I have medical bills out the wazoo that I'm trying to pay off. I went from having absolutely no debt to having medical debt in one fell swoop and it sucks like a....I shant get on a tangent, I digress. Anyway, personal growth is very necessary to acieving goals so I plan on doing a different challenge every month. This has been good for me. So, I'll catch you back up on Day 21.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
30 Days of Blogging - Day 6
DAY 6 - Challenge: What Band or Musician is Most Important to You?
I had to think about this one for a minute. I love all genres of music, but I can't say that any one artist or group is "important" to me. So, I'll tell you about a former musician who was important to me. I used to work w/ this guy 10+ years ago, and he was in a hip-hop group. He was a gorgeous, dredded deep-thinker with caramel skin, caramel eyes and a rich baritone voice. And he broke my heart something fierce. But his cd was fiyah!!! He could stand next to any Jay or Kendrik today and hold his own. I'm not hyping him up due to the love I held in my heart for this man - I'm saying it because he was that talented. The band has long since disbanded but their cd remains in constant rotation in my car. So, I would say that the musician that is the most important to me would be this man, whom I affectionately call Sounder Rasmussen.
I had to think about this one for a minute. I love all genres of music, but I can't say that any one artist or group is "important" to me. So, I'll tell you about a former musician who was important to me. I used to work w/ this guy 10+ years ago, and he was in a hip-hop group. He was a gorgeous, dredded deep-thinker with caramel skin, caramel eyes and a rich baritone voice. And he broke my heart something fierce. But his cd was fiyah!!! He could stand next to any Jay or Kendrik today and hold his own. I'm not hyping him up due to the love I held in my heart for this man - I'm saying it because he was that talented. The band has long since disbanded but their cd remains in constant rotation in my car. So, I would say that the musician that is the most important to me would be this man, whom I affectionately call Sounder Rasmussen.
Friday, April 5, 2013
30 Days of Blogging - Day 5
DAY 5 - Challenge: 5 Places You Want to Visit
As a lover of languages and cultures, I would love to travel just about anywhere in the world, barring a couple of countries that I could do without. The only thing is, I don't like to fly anymore so it may be a minute before I can actually get to these places...Anyway, in no particular order, these are the top 5 countries I would most like to visit:
Incredible INDIA
Tantalizing TRINIDAD
Again, there are many other countries I'd love to visit, but these are just the top 5 on my list. Now if we're talking STATESIDE, my top 5 are:
Let me just say that I CAN'T BELIEVE that I actually got Day 5's post in before 12 noon! It's only 11 am (on break at work...don't try this at home kids)!!! The point of the 30 Days of Blogging was not only to keep me from posting as sporadically as I have been, but mainly to help me work on focus and procrastination. It's too early to tell if this is working, but so far so good....
* Sidenote: What are your top 5 places you'd like to visit?
As a lover of languages and cultures, I would love to travel just about anywhere in the world, barring a couple of countries that I could do without. The only thing is, I don't like to fly anymore so it may be a minute before I can actually get to these places...Anyway, in no particular order, these are the top 5 countries I would most like to visit:
Again, there are many other countries I'd love to visit, but these are just the top 5 on my list. Now if we're talking STATESIDE, my top 5 are:
- D.C. (street vendors, art, food, love love Washington DC)
- New York (was born there and my family is there as well)
- Boston (Paul Pierce, Rajon Rondo and the rest of the Celtics...)
- Maine (seems tranquil and idyllic...basically for kicks and giggles)
- California (In-N-Out Burger, Great White Sharks...need I say more?)
Let me just say that I CAN'T BELIEVE that I actually got Day 5's post in before 12 noon! It's only 11 am (on break at work...don't try this at home kids)!!! The point of the 30 Days of Blogging was not only to keep me from posting as sporadically as I have been, but mainly to help me work on focus and procrastination. It's too early to tell if this is working, but so far so good....
* Sidenote: What are your top 5 places you'd like to visit?
Thursday, April 4, 2013
30 Days of Blogging - Day 4
DAY 4 - Challenge: The Meaning Behind Your Blog Name
Ok, this one is very easy and very simple. I named my blog "I Am That Chica" simply because I call everyone chica. You know how some women walk around calling everyone girl, as in "Hey girl, what's up?" or "Girl, let me tell you what he did..." - I say chica for everything. Chica being "girl" in Spanish, as if we all didn't know. (Ex. Chica, you have no idea how close I was to not getting this blog post in tonight cause I am so freakin' tired.") So I just decided to use it in my blog name. That's it. Not exciting and not particularly profound. Sorry.
.....And to all a good night. :-)
*Sidenote: What's the meaning behind your blog name? Do tell.
Ok, this one is very easy and very simple. I named my blog "I Am That Chica" simply because I call everyone chica. You know how some women walk around calling everyone girl, as in "Hey girl, what's up?" or "Girl, let me tell you what he did..." - I say chica for everything. Chica being "girl" in Spanish, as if we all didn't know. (Ex. Chica, you have no idea how close I was to not getting this blog post in tonight cause I am so freakin' tired.") So I just decided to use it in my blog name. That's it. Not exciting and not particularly profound. Sorry.
.....And to all a good night. :-)
*Sidenote: What's the meaning behind your blog name? Do tell.
30 Days of Blogging - DAY 3
DAY 3 - Challenge: Your day, in great detail
Well, I don't know how "great" the detail will be in this post, as it's almost 11:30 pm and I'm dog tired, but we'll try:
7:00: Woke up, showered, got ready for work, etc. etc.
9:00: Arrive at work and proceed to work like a slave until..
1:30: Lunchtime - Yaay! Forced to stay inside the bldg & eat due to Fast Food Challenge. I had:
2:30 - 6:15: Worked, worked, off.
6:15 - onward: Paid cell phone bill, got gas, came home and had 2 Tyson frozen chicken tenders and broccoli for dinner. Did lower body workout of 25 leg lifts (per leg, w/ ankle weights) 25 squats, 25 lunges, 25 dead-lifts, and 25 side bends; all done with 10 pound weights. Whew! That was all I could manage tonight - a sister was tired!
11:37: Going to bed. Good night, ya'll.
Well, I don't know how "great" the detail will be in this post, as it's almost 11:30 pm and I'm dog tired, but we'll try:
7:00: Woke up, showered, got ready for work, etc. etc.
9:00: Arrive at work and proceed to work like a slave until..
1:30: Lunchtime - Yaay! Forced to stay inside the bldg & eat due to Fast Food Challenge. I had:
2:30 - 6:15: Worked, worked, off.
6:15 - onward: Paid cell phone bill, got gas, came home and had 2 Tyson frozen chicken tenders and broccoli for dinner. Did lower body workout of 25 leg lifts (per leg, w/ ankle weights) 25 squats, 25 lunges, 25 dead-lifts, and 25 side bends; all done with 10 pound weights. Whew! That was all I could manage tonight - a sister was tired!
11:37: Going to bed. Good night, ya'll.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
30 Days of Blogging - DAY 2
DAY 2: Challenge: 10 Likes and Dislikes
Ok, this should be easy. Lesgo....
- Books (love to read anything I can get my hands on)
- Peppermint tea
- The thickness of my hair in it's natural state
- Aquariums
- People who can make me laugh
- Intelligent men who are L.O.Y.A.L.
- Language(s)
- Foreign movies and ethnic foods
- Good grammar
- I like (love, really) the fact that I am changing and growing as a person. I am no longer content with being just an "extra" in the movie of my life - I've now elevated myself to the lead role. And as I grow, I keep re-writing the script: it's an action flick, a comedy, a drama, and...dare I say romance? Ok, that was embarassingly corny, I know, but it's true. I'm evolving and I love it.
***BONUS: I love rainy days. My perfect day off work begins with a rainy day....
- Liars and Bad Men
- Disloyalty of any kind
- Mean-spirited people
- People who always claim that others are "hating" on them (I always say: "He who cries hate the loudest is often the loudest hater".)
- Dogs
- Bridges
- I hate the fact that not all NO. 1 CHINESE restaurants are created equal
- When people say "proNOUNCiation" rather than "proNUNciation", and "conversate" instead of "converse". I'm sorry to offend, but I grew up with a mother who was a grammar nazi.
- Overly flirtacious men who feel like they always have to be up in a woman's face, without utter regard for the person he's supposed to be in a relationship with.
- When people mistake my kindness for weakness
***BONUS: People who treat animals better than they do humans. smh.
Ok, I'm done and I'm mad the DISLIKES list was waaay easier to come up with than the LIKES list, but hey - it be's like that sometimes....Alright, I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow for Day 3. Peace. :)
30 Days of Blogging - DAY 1
DAY 1: Challenge: Write some basic things about yourself

Ok, what can I say about myself that I haven't already mentioned? Being that I'm working off a list of things to blog about, I know that Day 1 and Day 2 are slightly similar. So for Day 1, I'll try to only divulge that which won't overlap into Day 2. I won't tell you my age, but just know that I'm over 25. I'm single and I have no kids. On a slightly more personal note, I will say that that is a decision that I've partially come to regret. I've always liked and wanted to have children, but I just never got around to finding anyone I wanted to have children with. When I run into people from my past (ex schoolmates or coworkers, etc.), they always want to play the "let's catch up" game. "What're you doing now? Are you married? How many kids do you have?" etc. etc. etc. They always look at me like I have, not two, but three heads when they find out that I have no children. Sometimes it's a look of pity, sometimes a look of envy, but most times it's a "what-the-heck-is-wrong-with-you???" look. I don't like the "let's catch up" game because most times I feel as if I walk away the loser. smh. AND THEN I REMEMBER....HEY, I AM SINGLE WITH NO KIDS. I CAN DO WHAT I WANT, GO WHERE I WANT, AND MY MONEY IS ALL MINE!!!! So how 'bout that????
Let's see, what else? I don't like too much drama in a relationship and I used to be extremely guarded. I also used to have trust issues but I have worked hard to overcome them. I seriously believe that there can be no love without trust, so I would rather let go of someone I don't trust than stay in a relationship where I feel like I have to go thru their phone, watch their every move, etc. etc. You won't call me a stalker....
And lastly - my real name is Esmeralda Chicki Tee. Ok. No. It's not. And I'm off to blog Day 2. :)
Ok, what can I say about myself that I haven't already mentioned? Being that I'm working off a list of things to blog about, I know that Day 1 and Day 2 are slightly similar. So for Day 1, I'll try to only divulge that which won't overlap into Day 2. I won't tell you my age, but just know that I'm over 25. I'm single and I have no kids. On a slightly more personal note, I will say that that is a decision that I've partially come to regret. I've always liked and wanted to have children, but I just never got around to finding anyone I wanted to have children with. When I run into people from my past (ex schoolmates or coworkers, etc.), they always want to play the "let's catch up" game. "What're you doing now? Are you married? How many kids do you have?" etc. etc. etc. They always look at me like I have, not two, but three heads when they find out that I have no children. Sometimes it's a look of pity, sometimes a look of envy, but most times it's a "what-the-heck-is-wrong-with-you???" look. I don't like the "let's catch up" game because most times I feel as if I walk away the loser. smh. AND THEN I REMEMBER....HEY, I AM SINGLE WITH NO KIDS. I CAN DO WHAT I WANT, GO WHERE I WANT, AND MY MONEY IS ALL MINE!!!! So how 'bout that????
Let's see, what else? I don't like too much drama in a relationship and I used to be extremely guarded. I also used to have trust issues but I have worked hard to overcome them. I seriously believe that there can be no love without trust, so I would rather let go of someone I don't trust than stay in a relationship where I feel like I have to go thru their phone, watch their every move, etc. etc. You won't call me a stalker....
And lastly - my real name is Esmeralda Chicki Tee. Ok. No. It's not. And I'm off to blog Day 2. :)
30 Days of Blogging....Am I Crazy?
I seem to have lost my mind. The month of April has me doing not one or two, but FOUR personal challenges. Four thirty-day challenges, all designed to make me a better person in some way. Though I have A.D.D. and I'm usually all over the place, I'm always down for a challenge, esp. involving personal growth. This A.D.D.'s gonna have to takea back seat, because it's focus time. So for the next 30 days, or for the entire month of April, I'm doing:
- NO SODA FOR 30 DAYS challenge
- NO FAST FOOD FOR 30 DAYS challenge
- SAVE MO' $$$ FOR 30 DAYS challenge
4. 30 DAYS OF BLOGGING challenge
Now, the latter seems to be the most daunting and sadly, I'm already behind. Today is the 2nd day of the month and being that this is my 1st blog post - I'm not sure how this is going to work out. But I shan't have a defeatist attitude - I shall do this and I shall succeed!!!! I'm using a list that I found on Google for the 30 days of Blogging challenge, so at least I don't have to try to come up with ideas to blog about on my own. That should make it easier. Anyone care to join me in any of these challenges? Feel free - the more the merrier. Nothing like moral support, right? Anyway, none of these challenges will be easy for me because:
- I'm addicted to Coke (the soda, not the drug. lol.)
- Fast food is a regular part of my weekly lunches @ work
- I'm already slightly struggling to save what I do now so now I have to save even more??? Sounds like a part time job is in order.
- If I get said part-time job, when will I have time to blog.for.30.days.???
Ay yai yai - what have I gotten myself into? We shall see. I'm off to blog, ya'll. "I'm focused man."
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Girl, Get Your Life!!!
You ever feel like you're spinning your wheels? You ever feel like you've been working hard to overcome an obstacle only for it to seem like no progress is being made whatsoever? Well, sometimes you've got to take a long, hard look in the mirror and have that uncomfortable conversation with yourself - the problem you may be working so hard to overcome just may be YOU. Sometimes we are our biggest obstacle, our own worst enemies. I've just had that uncomfortable chat with myself as to why it's taking me so long to reach a particular goal (or two, but who's counting!) and I 've realized (insert "epiphany music and smoke" here):
Dang, now that's some real talk for your...Anyway, speaking of being problematic, I'm not really a fan of her music, but Fergie once had a song called "Finally". In it, she sings:
"Finally got out of my own way, I've finally started living for today
finally know, I needed to grow... my destiny can begin...."
The definition of the word finally: at last; eventually; after considerable delay typically involving difficulty or delay.
It's been a long time coming, but I see that I've been Nobody else, just me. I should have been able to see that on my own accord, but sadly, I had some assistance. And to my helper, I say "thank you, oh wise one. I appreciate your wisdom, dear sage." I've finally looked long in the mirror, said "Jane...stop this crazy thing! I want off this ride."
For real, sometimes you gotta look in the mirror and just say:
"Girl, BYE!!!"
In the end, you will be a better (and happier) person for it.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Throwback Thursday or....TWILIGHT ZONE????
True Story! I've been sick for the past 3 days (Note to you men: "It's a WOMAN thing - you wouldn't understand!") and yesterday I dragged myself into my doctor's office. When I walked in, this older woman looked up from her magazine and gave me the once over. Taking in my lipstick-only bare face, FILA-esque tracksuit, Dookie braids, Chuck Taylor All Stars, and Old Skool "Cazelle" glasses (thrown in for good measure), she nodded as if in approval. Then she....smiled. And stopped me instantly in my tracks. Noting her own light grey acid washed jeans (I think we called them "stonewashed" back in the day), grey MEMBERS ONLY-esque jacket, shaggy hair colored by Dark & Lovely #1992, and a singular GOLD TOOTH in the middle of her mouth, I nodded back and went about my business. The ladies at the front desk looked at each as if they were about to witness a real, live Old Skool DANCE OFF . Hilarious.
The thing is: I'm not sure if that actually happened or if it was the delirium from being sick, but nonetheless....thank you, old skool lady, for providing a much needed laugh. Somehow, I think I know that somewhere she is nodding "right back atcha, girlfriend. Right back atcha."
The thing is: I'm not sure if that actually happened or if it was the delirium from being sick, but nonetheless....thank you, old skool lady, for providing a much needed laugh. Somehow, I think I know that somewhere she is nodding "right back atcha, girlfriend. Right back atcha."
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Lions, Tigers, and Dreds - Oh My!!!!

I have braids!!! Or perhaps....dreds!!! But really, they're twists. On a whim I decided to do my hair last week. I started around 7 pm and it took me about 5.5 hours to finish. I used the Model Model braid "Marley" synthetic braiding hair and I used 7 (gasp!) packs of hair. Yes folks - I did say seven!!! It took so much because I myself have so much hair. The braids do allthe way down to my butt and rather than burn the ends, I left them slightly raggedy. I actually like that because it has a kind of earthy, organic look and feel to it. I was initially going for Janet Jackson in "Poetic Justice" braids, or even 90's reggae rapper Patra - FAIL!!!! As you can see, I ended up w/ newly-married-and-just-returned-from Africa-with-stepdaughter-in-tow-Denise Huxtable Kendall, which was my least favorite look that Lisa Bonet rocked on Cosby Show. Little did I know.....

Btw: Don't let the "dreds" fool you - the RED EYES (in the above pic) are solely due to a lack of sleep and no makeup.
I'm on the fence with this hairstyle, I gotta be honest. I wake up with a sore neck because it's hard to sleep with these thick, heavy "ropes". I may keep them in another 1-2 weeks, and then I think I'll be visiting my girl HADNEY the Haitian Hair Artist Extraordinaire ( for my annual blowout and trim.
* What do you think, ladies - is this style a DO or a DON'T? Let me know. I can take it. :)
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Turns out we DON'T need a resolution. Sorry Aaliyah.
They say "rules are made to be broken", right? Thatis yet another reason why I don't make New Year's resolutions. For
Let me be clear: this is not a "secret of my success" blog post. Certainly, if I was successful at achieving all my "lose weight, save money, stop procrastinating" goals, if you will, I would not have chosen the above image for this post. But rather than enumerate a laundry list of things needing to be worked on, I merely have one goal for 2013:
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