I.Am.That.Chica. (The One Called Chicki Tee)
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
I Used To Love Him....Part II
"I don't understand...why do I stress the man? When there's so many bigger things at hand. We could've never had it all...we had to hit a wall...SO THIS IS INEVITABLE WITHDRAWAL."
Thank you Ms. Winehouse. When you go through something foul dealing with a person who is foul, you feel like you're forever changed. I just went through a situation with a person who proved to be VERY foul and it hurt me to my heart. I have so many things that I want to say that my mind doesn't even know where to begin. So in true Chicki Tee style, I can always count on a movie quote or song lyric to sum up what I'm feeling and the above-quoted Amy Winehouse lyric is the cliff note of my thoughts. I just UPGRADED myself and my life, so why stress over someone who is FOUL FOUL FOUL??? The old adage "Fool me once, shame on YOU. Fool me TWICE, shame on ME" is definitely true in this case. I trusted this person years ago, which was to my detriment, as he was a LIAR. Years later, I allowed myself to be convinced and believe that SAID LIAR had changed. That was my bad. I fell for the okey-doke....smh. This situation taught me well. There are some really foul, BLACK-HEARTED individuals walking around out here, and unfortunately you don't always know it until you.get.burned. And I am forever changed indeed. I no longer take people at face value, I no longer give people second chances, and I no longer will allow a person to treat me as an option. And quite honestly, the situation has now put me off of a certain type of man...smh. But I am not bitter. I am not bitter by any means - I am BETTER. I recently upgraded myself, and by extension, my life in general, naturally. I'm getting too old to keep getting "burned", and I have no desire to play with fire EVER.AGAIN. People do not change. Which surprises me that I say that because I've always believed that people can and do change, but sadly, experience has TAUGHT me otherwise. Sure, one can change superficially - they can change their address, their tax bracket, their physical exterior, etc. But WHO THEY ARE AT THEIR CORE will not. That CHARACTER does not change. A leopard cannot change his spots, because HE IS A LEOPARD AND LEOPARDS HAVE SPOTS. It is what it is. I have to give a big THANK YOU to the LIAR who taught me all of this. As Ms. Winehouse so eloquently put it "why do I stress the man when there's so many bigger (AND BETTER) things at hand" ? This is indeed inevitable withdrawal. I can't with you. "We're so over we need a new word for over." (You better say that, Ms. Carrie Bradshaw) if I'm being honest and because I'm not a liar, I will miss you. Today. But tomorrow I won't. Because I'm tired of crying and my tears will have dried by then. And if I'm being REALLY honest - I don't even wish you well. I don't wish ill or harm towards you, but I do not wish you well. It is what it is. Peace.
Monday, July 7, 2014
All Hail The Queen...F.A.I.L.
Hi Lovies! I'm back. I won't bore you with excuses reasons as to why I've been gone for so long, so let's just cut straight to the PICTURES, shall we?
In the event you've forgotten what I look like (it's been a minute), this is me:
This is what I wanted (ALL HAIL THE QUEEN):
Ok, the hair was a FAIL....it was more "inspired by" Queen Latifah than a duplicate style. While blonde may look good on her, my skin tone is too dark to rock such a light color w/o looking...shall we say "ghettagenous"? Anyway, I've got some B.I.G. N.E.W.S. coming up in a few and that's why I've been gone. I won't go deep into that now, but I PROMISE I will blog about it as I get closer to the event. Please stay w/ me as this is the MOST EXCITING and LIFE CHANGING thing that has happened to me in....ever. As in...EVER.
So let me know what you ladies think of my new 'do and if you too are doing anything differently for the summer. Peace!

Saturday, February 22, 2014
DRED-DING Taking Them Out....
Hey Laaaadddies!!! (old skool Beastie Boys reference) I know it's been awhile, but I just wanted to quickly show you the hairstyle that I've been rocking for the past month or so....the FAUX DREDLOCKS.
I got it done at a shop in our downtown area, and it took the stylist TWO (2) FULL DAYS AND NIGHTS to complete it! And it took ME half a day taking a large portion of them out, as it was ridiculously full! But it wasn't her fault - my hair is ridiculously thick and my head is ridiculously big! HA!
What say you - is this style a YAY or NAY???
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
G.R.O.W.T.H.......Let Us SHOW And PROVE.
Yes I know - I'm mad late. January is almost over so we can go ahead and scratch "Overcome Tardiness" off my list of 2014 goals....Anyway, my theme for 2014 is: GROWTH. Enough said.
*** How is YOUR 2014 going thus far?
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
And To You And YOURS Indeed...I'm SO Done.
A great woman(albeit a fictional one)once said "We're so over we need a new word for over". You hit the nail on the head with that one, Ms. Bradshaw. Sometimes, a man knows he loves a woman only after she's gone. But when does the woman want to know said man loves her? When she's there. And then sometimes, the love is just not reciprocal on his part no matter how good of a woman she is...and that is when you put on your big girl panties and exit.stage.left. DO NOT CONTINUE TO THROW YOUR PEARLS TO SWINE. Leave him to wallow in the mire with his other ho(g).
Sunday, December 22, 2013
I'm back with a new 'do and "product" review. I told you last post that I'd be changing my hair soon, and this time it's a(nother) wig. This wig is from the company FRIDAY NIGHT HAIR, which is known for their high-quality synthetic wigs.
The style I got is numbered GLS11, which is about mid-back length and has long layers in the front. While a basic style, I got this one solely due to the "99J" color, which is a purplish-reddish, deep wine color. You like?
The long and short of this wig is, I like the style, LOVE the color, but the wig as a whole is a FAIL! I'm not sure whether mine came from a bad batch or not, but the synthetic fibers rub against my clothing and tangle like the cheapest of beauty supply store wigs. Considering that FRIDAY NIGHT HAIR's synthetic wigs are supposed to be of superior quality and can last about a year with proper care, I have trouble understanding why I'm having problems with this wig after only one week......
Anyway, the wig was $49.99 with free shipping (due to holidays), which is still considerably less than what I would pay someone to blow my own hair out. And while I will chalk it up to I think I just got one from a bad batch, I still consider it a FAIL. For me, if I have to do a whole bunch of work to a wig to make it wearable daily, that defeats the PURPOSE of even wearing one. My own hair is long - it just takes a lot of work. I certainly don't need A WIG that mimicks it's high maintenance.
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